Saturday, January 22, 2011

Language variation

Language variation focuses on how language varies in different contexts, where contexts refers to things like ethnicity, social class, sex, geography, age and a number of other factors. In sociolinguistics a variety also called a lect is a form of a language used by speakers of that language. this may include dialects accents, registers, styles or other sociolinguistic variation. Variety avoids the terms language which many people associate with the standard language and dialect which is associated with non-standard varieties thought of as less prestigious or correct than the standard. Linguists speak of both standard and non-standard varieties. Infact one of the most important domain of linguistics is language variation, which refer to different sorts of language and different sub varieties of the same language that are used in different situations. Under language variation we can study the varieties such as dialects, registers, ideolects, deal languages pidgins, creoles, lingua francas etc. varieties such as dialects, ideolects and sociolects can be distinguished not only by their vocabularly, but also by differences in grammer, phonology and prosody. For instance the total word accents of scandinavian languages have differenging realizations in many dialects.

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