Saturday, January 22, 2011

Components of sociolinguistics study

Components of sociolinguistics study: sociolinguistics methodology requires a number of stages in preparation for the collection, processing and selection of the appropriate speakers, circumstances and linguistic variables. Ther are a number of obvious problems with trying to apply a labovian. Style quantitative model, based on the selection of representative informants and the composition of a balance corpus to the study of a past language state. Invitably the socio-historical linguist is obliged to adopt methodologies which would be deemed unacceptable for a sociolinguistic, analysis of contemporary french. In this section we will discuss problems associated with identifying appropriate textual sources. Inaddition we will consider the difficulties of deciding upon the variables and particularly of treating syntactic issuses in a socio-historical perspective. The following are the major components of sociolinguistic study: social factors, social dimensions, explanations. Social factors related to the users of language- the setting and functions of the interaction. Social dimension related to social distance, status, formality, functions and explanations need to identify clearly the linguistic variation involved and different social or non-linguistic factors.

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